The Wild Guru Healer #1:
Guru AKA Bandido
known for stealing invoices and loud purrs

The Wild Guru Healer #2:
Mars AKA Barry Gong
Known for his olympic jumps and warm door greetings
As you guys might have already noticed, we are crazy cat people here at The Wild Guru! A few weeks ago we found little Guru in the middle of the road, lost and visibly shaken. The happy part of this story is that he is now safe, super happy, and part of The Wild Guru team.
Guru is about one month old and purrs like a freight train. No matter how many hours we spend working, Guru (and Mars) make it all better. They truly manage to keep us all happy and stress-free around the office.
We went a little deeper into our curiosity and we found that a study by Elizabeth von Muggenthaler (a bio-acoustics specialist at Fauna Communications Research Institute in North Carolina), showed that the sound of a cat’s purr is within the frequency range of 25 to 40 cycles per second or Hertz(Hz). Exposure to 20 to 50 Hz frequencies has been demonstrated to increases bone density, relieve pain, and even heal muscles.
Without further ado, here are the top 5 powers of cat purrs:
1- Reduce stress and anxiety
2- Helps bones and wounds heal faster
3- Cures the blues whenever you are down
4- Calms and relaxes
5- Improves sleeping habits
Cats are amazing, Aren't they? Now, go hug your cat <3