Individuals have different journeys to spiritual awakening depending on their own personal experiences and relationships, therefore, you must truly connect with yourself to achieve and deepen your path. With that said, the following are some simple ways in how to open and direct your energy to the growth and expansion of awakening:
1. Our greatest power is in the moment of choice, NOW- the present moment!
2. Truly connect with divine energy, our higher power- NATURE.
3. Acceptance invites healing: integrate and accept the experiences. Surrendering is the ultimate freedom.
4. Mind-energy-body connection: "Our body is the temple of our soul" nourish yourself with healthy eats and embrace movement activities (yoga, dancing, surf, climbing).
5. JOY, JOY, JOY! The joy of the heart and soul is a quality of purity that brings forth the highest vibration of spirit.
By engaging with these key elements and incorporating them into our life, we shift our energy. We begin to operate at a high vibrational frequency, the frequency of LOVE, and that's when we are a magnet for more positive experiences.
Allow the energy to flow Gurus <3