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Nourish to Flourish: Self-care

nourish to flourish

Today I’d like to focus on the physical, mental and emotional! For many reasons some of us forget to stop for a minute to give time to ourselves either because of busy schedules or simply because we don’t think it will make a difference or have an impact in your daily life.

The fact is that if you love yourself more, you will be more successful. Self-care will wrap you around positive energy and lift you. I have gathered some tips to help you love yourself more and keep you sharp, motivated and healthy from inside out.

·      Stay inspired! Watch documentaries/ TED talks or take an online course to learn a new skill.

·      Express and manifest: Do some journaling or practice meditation.

·      Disconnect to connect: unplug from technology. Turn off your phone for a couple of hours.

·      Let go: de-clutter your closet/cabinets and while doing so, donate what you don’t need to those who are in need. Putting a smile on someone’s face will fill your heart with flowers <3

·      The time is NOW: stop waiting for the weekend, for summer, for love…today is what you have.

·      Get out: discover where your closest state park is, connect with nature, pick a day to go for a hike or walk and appreciate the natural beauty that surrounds you.

·      Sanctuary rituals: earth is home. Find ways that you can help keep her and her inhabitants happy and clean. Recycle, participate in beach clean ups, donate to animal shelters or sanctuaries that protect wild life.